Talking Tech - A New Topic

In order to keep myself current on trends in the technology space, I want to start regularly blogging about various things going on in the field. Call it “Talking Tech.”

This isn’t going to be a regular monthly segment. Book Report and Thirsty Thursday Eve chew up enough of the month as is. And maybe most months end up having a Talking Tech post in them anyway, but I don’t want to be beholden to it. I don’t know quite yet what this is going to look like, so it’s partially experimental.

There are a few ideas floating around that I want to discuss and would fit well with the Talking Tech moniker. First post is most likely going to be an article spin on the no-code solution talk I suggested for the Carolina Code Conference and briefly discussed on the Carolina Code Cast. I’ve already created a short video presentation on it, but it makes sense to have that tied in with Words on Wednesday as well.

Beyond that, the Raspberry Pi 5 came out, so that’s a pretty cool piece of hardware. If I’m able to get my old desktop reworked into a Plex server, I’ll probably document that process here. If I think of some novel way to explain or illustrate a complex computer science idea, this is where you’ll see it. If I finally decide to stop being lazy and get back to those personal coding project ideas that I’ve thrown around, I’ll certainly discuss milestone updates in this forum.

Technology is just a really cool industry, and a personal passion of mine. There is a lot of gatekeeping by people who want to be elitist, but that’s a super toxic attitude. If I can bring more people into the field and garner interest by making those topics approachable, I think that helps everyone.
