Thirsty Thursday Eve - Homemade Mead
I made my own mead once a little while back. It wasn’t great, but it didn’t kill anyone. I call that a win. The whole idea started when I came across a simple recipe for mead from a tumblr user by the name of Recoil-Operated. He detailed steps to make mead with nothing more than a gallon jug of spring water, a few pounds of honey, and some bread yeast. It sounded simple enough that a software engineer could do it. Several times over the course of a few years, I would remember that mead recipe and decide that I should make some. Every single time, I would eventually abandon the idea and forget about it. Finally, about a year ago, I went through with the process. The original post was lost to the annals of time, but an Internet Archive capture of the first part of the post was still available. Besides a bunch of images, this is the only text available from the post: “Recoil-operated’s $12 traditional mead: So one of the most common things I see on my Mead posts is “I’d love to do that, ...