Thirsty Thursday Eve - PBR Hard Coffee
I love all things coffee. When I saw PBR hard coffee at a nearby ABC store, I had to give it a shot, even with the unusually high price point. I’m no stranger to coffee-alcohol fusions. I’ve had my fair share of coffee-based mixed drinks, as well as traditional beer styles with coffee included. The only one I’ve mentioned here was the Thunderstruck Coffee Porter from Highland , but there have been plenty more before and after. I’m always on the lookout for the next spin on coffee and booze. For what it’s worth, I haven’t found one yet that I didn’t like. A few weeks back, I was cheating on my usual ABC store with another one that has a slightly larger selection. While we were perusing the aisles, my wife pointed out this curious hard coffee from Pabst Blue Ribbon. Initially, I dismissed it. PBR is supposed to be cheap, not good. And with a 4 pack of cans at roughly $10, that was way out of the normal range that I’d spend on PBR. Even for stuff I really like, that’s a hard sell. How...