Thirsty Thursday Eve - Santo Moscato d'Asti

I traditionally do not care for wine. This Moscato from Costco, however, may be the exception that has broadened my horizons to include other styles of wine. Even if I typically prefer beer or distilled spirits, I am now at least willing to try wine on occasion. Wine 101 My first experience with wine was not a positive one. Soon after I turned 21, about the same time I bought that awful bottle of Southern Comfort , I decided to pick up some wine. I had no idea what I liked or disliked, as I had never tried wine before. I went to my local Food Lion (we didn’t have an Ingles nearby), and picked up two bottles at random. If I remember correctly, they were both Yellow Tail, since I didn’t care to spend a lot on something I might not enjoy. I don’t remember one of the styles, but I know the other was Merlot. If you’ve never had Merlot, it is a moderately dry wine. At the time, I knew nothing about wine, and even now, I don’t know much. I realize now that I hate dry wine. Like ...