Book Report - "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien

Over the past several months, I have read through both "The Hobbit" and all three (six?) books of "The Lord of the Rings." I was tempted to write on each of these works individually, but I decided that I didn't want to tie up a third of the year on Tolkien, and would just write on all of them at once. Since I won't count "The Silmarillion," and I would never read it anyway, these books cover my entire exposure to the world of Middle Earth. Since these phrases get me the most dirty looks and criticism of anything related to literature, I'll go ahead and throw them out there. 1, I've never seen any of the LotR movies, and I have only seen the first "Hobbit" movie, and only because some friends were going to see it in theaters and they invited me along. 2, I did not really enjoy "The Lord of the Rings" books. I'll expound more on both of these, but I didn't want to mislead any readers and get their hopes up th...