Thirsty Thursday Eve - White Claw Hard Seltzer

Hard seltzers are the new IPA. They’re the “in” thing right now, adored by hipsters and the like, and criticized by your more traditional beer drinkers. These alcoholic sparkling waters are quickly gaining market share, while craft beers are other categories remain static or fall (Kendall, 2019). Being the adventurous soul that I am, new types of alcohol always interest me, even if I do feel like a stereotypical cool kid while trying them. My first exposure to hard seltzers was the Truly Colima Lime flavor. It was available from the Ingles Mix-N-Match area one time, and I’m more than willing to try a drink if I can get it as a single, rather than committing to a full 6-pack of it. We threw one in with our weekend beer run, figuring it was worth a shot. In this case, I’m very glad we only got one. It was awful. I don’t really care for seltzers or soda water anyway. Unflavored options seem to have a salty, bitter flavor. Flavored options like La Croix have the same shortcoming,...