Thirsty Thursday Eve - The Legendary Bottle of Southern Comfort

Coincidentally, I happened to post Thirsty Thursday Eve topics on the last Wednesday of the month for three months in a row. So I inadvertently made it a thing. Hence, the last Wednesday of each month will be a Thirsty Thursday Eve post for as long as I remember to do it. This month’s Thirsty Thursday Eve is less of a review or recommendation, and more of a tale. A story of my decision to purchase a full bottle of liquor on the recommendation of a friend, and the disappointed journey that followed. I discovered that I strongly dislike Southern Comfort, so at least I learned something from the experience. The beginning of this story takes us back to soon after I turned 21. Like many people who reach this milestone age, I was trying numerous different types of alcohol just to figure out what I did and didn’t like. I’ve always been a rule-follower and come from a very conservative family, so my exposure to alcohol was extremely limited before I could legally buy it for myself. I k...