Thirsty Thursday Eve - Kirkland Signature American Vodka

Feeling a little adventurous during my most recent Costco liquor run, I decided to branch out from my standard Spiced Rum and try their Kirkland Signature vodka. I had noticed the American Vodka before (they also have a French Vodka), and noted that it seemed to be the cheapest item by volume in the store. Even cheaper than the rum that I’m so familiar with. I considered picking up a bottle numerous times before, since it only costs $13 for a handle. Still, every time, I decided against it in favor of something else. Anyone who knows my tastes in alcohol understands that I just don’t do vodka. I’ve tried a few brands here and there, and none of them have done much for me. One of the first alcoholic beverages I ever purchased was a bottle of Svedka , and let me tell you, it was awful. Just north of Southern Comfort, and I’d rather drink Nyquil straight than anything with SoCo in it. I hung onto the bottle of Svedka for a while, out of the inability to waste it, and final...