Thirsty Thursday Eve - 6 Pack of the Week 2018-05-30

The Build Your Own 6 Pack area at Ingles (or your local grocer) is great because it allows curious drinkers to try several different styles and brews without committing to the price, storage, and obligation to drink a full 6 pack of each of them. Being a curious drinker myself, I love picking up some new things to try, and my nearest Ingles store cycles out the available beers quite regularly. To present my “research” for others, I figured I could write up a post with a few of the more noteworthy brews I’ve discovered. Expect a follow-up every few weeks, when I’ve had time to find some more good ones. Name: Up the Creek Extreme Ale Brewery: Thomas Creek Brewery, LLC Style: Double IPA ABV: 12.5% Buy Again? Yes I’ve long claimed that I hate IPAs, but this one somehow works. Maybe it’s because the absurdly high ABV gets me too drunk to taste it, but I really do like this ale. Ingles sometimes has it in the build-you-own-6-pack area, they sometimes have it in 4 pack, and fr...