Runescape - Free Open Membership Weekend
On two occasions, Jagex has made the full paid version of Runescape available to all players for a 72 hour duration over “free” or “open” weekends . For free players, this has been a boon and truly valuable opportunity. The first “ Open Weekend ” spanned from June 9 to June 12, 2017. This was during a time when I wasn’t playing, so I wasn’t aware of it. However, had I been playing at the time, or at least knew about it, I certainly would have hopped on to play. The second, this time called a “ Free Weekend ,” was from November 24 to November 27, 2017. As I mentioned soon after, I was actually playing for that membership weekend. I did some Slayer tasks, both solo and group. I ran some dungeons with the full gamut of p2p skills available to me. When I couldn’t actively play, I worked on Divination and managed to get it all the way up to level 50. Since Jagex normally charges for access to this portion of the game, it begs a few questions. First, why did they offer f...