2017-08-30 Blogging Anniversary

I started blogging three years ago this week. Technically, it isn’t 3 years to the day. I started on August 27 ( https://jakehennett.wordpress.com/2014/11/06/words-on-wednesday-august-27-2014/ ), but considering this is Words on *Wednesday*, I figured it best to mark the date as the last Wednesday in August. Inevitably, there will be a few years where the last Wednesday in August will fall on the 27th again, but that won’t be every year. At this point, I don’t really know if it feels like I’ve been blogging for longer or shorter than 3 years. When I think about starting, I remember myself in college, but I had been finished with school for a year before I started. Logically, that would also put my start before getting married, but I got married a few months before then. It’s like I don’t remember a time when I didn’t keep a blog, but it truly wasn’t that long ago when I started. Obviously, I plan on continuing the blog for as long as I can. I’ve still got quite a few finished ...