Review - Devil May Cry
“Devil May Cry” is the first of a long series of action-adventure games. Released in 2001 and originally conceived as a Resident Evil game, it took concepts of Resident Evil and pushed them in a more action-oriented direction. Add in some interesting new characters, and you have the humble beginnings of a very successful franchise. Over two decades later, how does it hold up? My first exposure to Devil May Cry was soon after it originally came out, at least before the sequel came out in 2003. I was far too young to be playing M-rated games, but that’s neither here nor there. Whoever decided it was a good idea that I have the game won out, and I obviously had to get my fill of it. At the time, I was vehemently opposed to playing hard games or playing games on any difficulty harder than the absolute lowest option. Devil May Cry starts you out on normal mode by default. After you beat the first mission, you unlock easy mode. Beating the game on normal unlocks hard mode, and beating ...